Favorite Art/Craft Books and Magazines

Here is a list of favorite books and magazines that I refer to frequently for inspiration.  I will probably add to this list in the gadget box below in the future but these are the first books/magazines that came to mind.

You cannot go wrong with any book published by Floris Books, Wynstones Press or Search Press.    When I was a Waldorf teacher the Floris Books were constant companions as I made things for the classroom or did handwork with the children.  I can't say enough wonderful things about The Nature Corner, Feltcraft or Toymaking with Children.  Every family should have these books who want their children to to learn homecrafts, celebrate the rhythms of the year and play with natural toys.

My grandmother, Lillian Trudell Berube, taught me to knit and there can be no finer way for a child to learn than with a family member. Thank you Memere!  I miss you. There are soooo many knitting books available.  I have listed one for children that has patterns easily done by elementary school children.  The two adult knitting books I listed are for inspiration; they are authored by artistic knitters who think outside the box.

My mother, Dolores Dutton Berube, taught me to sew and darn (yes, I darn socks!).  Thank you mom!  Again there are many books on sewing.  The premiere book for design with natural materials is Salley Mavor's Felt Wee Folk.  This a real gem!!!  Run to Amazon.com if you have not heard of it!
  • A First Book of Knitting for Children, Gosse &Allerton
  • A Treasury of Magical Knitting, Cat Bordhi
  • Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine
  • Felt Wee Folk, Salley Mavor
  • Feltcraft, Petra Berger
  • Living Crafts Magazine
  • The Gnome Book, Thomas & Petra Berger
  • The Nature Corner, Leeuwen & Moeskops
  • Toymaking With Children, Freya Jaffke
  • Wool' n' Magic, Jan Messent

What are your favorite books and magazines?


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