Route 1A Mosaic

Route 1A, Rye, NH

New Hampshire has a short stretch of coastline and it is a wonderful for a joy ride any time of year.  This particular day was the day before Nemo struck with 2 feet of snow. The sea was calm and the day was clear. So clear it looked like the Isles of Shoals were close instead of 6 miles out.
source: Wikipedia

The Isles of Shoals is partly in NH and partly in Maine.  It was used by the native Americans for seasonal fishing camps.  John Smith sighted and named them in 1614.  Poet Celia Thaxter hosted an arts community and gardened there in the 19th century.   In 1813 there was a famous unsolved murder of two Norwegian women, Karen Christensen and Anethe Christensen.  Celia wrote about it and so did Anita Shreve.  I enjoyed her book, The Weight of Water.  It tells the story of the murder through Karen's younger sister Maren who hid in a cave to survive but it also has a modern day point of view told through a photographer who is working on a photo essay about the murders.  I recommend it.

Today the islands are used for research, tourism, religious retreats and wildlife.

Linking up with

Mosaic Monday

Inspiration Avenue Challenge Link


  1. Wow, what a beautiful coastline! Your photos are gorgeous and I love the mosaic. Looks like my kind of place for a nice walk. Have a happy week!

  2. Simply gorgeous. I had not known about the book you mention by Anita Shreve. Must finally read it.

  3. Gorgeous coastline and interesting historical information.

  4. Wow Karen, this scenery is AMAZING!! You've certainly done it justice with your gorgeous mosaic. I love North Carolina but have always wanted to visit New England -- maybe someday.

    Thanks for visiting my blog; I hope you have a great week!


  5. Wow - your photos are lovely. Plenty of visual inspiration there :)

    Thanks for linking up :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  6. A delightful collage from your corner of the world. Isn't it amazing the distances we can see on a clear day?

    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  7. What a beautiful scenic road and also a beautiful mosaic :) The historical facts are interesting, thanks for sharing them. I'm coming from Mary's Little Red House Mosaic Monday. have a nice week !

  8. Now why didn't I visit here when I lived in NH? sigh....

    Lovely photo mosaic and wonderful history of the area.

  9. This is an amazing collection of photographs. Blessings!

  10. Beautifully photographed, Bridgit. I've been through Rye and have even had a few "Smuttynose" beers, but hadn't known about the murders out there. Interesting.


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